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State Department Claims It Doesn’t Know Diplomatic Status of Bombed Iranian Consulate in Damascus

April 9, 2024 (EIRNS)—The same U.S. Statement Department that claims it knew with certainty within a few hours that the March 22 Crocus City Hall terror attack outside Moscow was carried out by ISIS-Khorasan, says it still can’t figure out if the building that was destroyed in Damascus on April 1, presumably by an Israeli air strike, was a diplomatic facility covered by international conventions—not even a week later. After all, it is across town from the U.S. Embassy in Damascus.

State Department spokesman Matthew Miller told reporters yesterday that the U.S. is still trying to determine if the Iranian consulate in Damascus was a legitimate diplomatic facility protected by international law. “It is our position that we are still attempting to answer that question, whether it was a consular facility or not,” he said. (That is quite a position!) Then under persistent questioning regarding that position, he only said: “We are waiting on a final determination,” and refused to say more.