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The ‘Paris-Berlin-Rome Triangle’: Put Your Hand on Your Purse

April 10, 2024 (EIRNS)—The industry (so to speak) ministers of France, Germany and Italy, Bruno Le Maire, Robert Habeck and Adolfo Urso met on April 8 to draft a common “industrial” policy for the EU.

Although the common document boasts of maintaining Europe as an industrial superpower, with emphasis on bureaucratization, green and digital innovation, the impression is that failing EU leaders realized that you can’t build a war economy with windmills alone. The action seems to be going in the direction of: 1. trade war with China; 2. keeping “decarbonization” but correcting more destructive aspects of it; 3. boosting defense spending; 4. giving the EU more financial power.

“Against the backdrop of accelerating climate change and significant geopolitical challenges, including Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, the European Union adopted with the Green Deal an unprecedented policy agenda to become the first climate-neutral continent in the world, build resilience, reduce strategic dependencies and improve European long-term competitiveness. As the European Union nears the end of the 2019-2024 cycle, the three Ministers built common understanding of the opportunities and challenges ahead, in particular those raised by the ‘twin,’ green and digital transition,” the common statement boasts at the beginning.

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