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The Times of London Plays Up Ukraine’s ‘Information Warfare’ Department: The CCD

April 8, 2024 (EIRNS)—London’s The Times ran a story April 2 cheerleading how “Ukrainian agents have been working to play ethnic groups [in Russia] off against each other” in the wake of the Crocus City Hall concert terror attack in Moscow, in hopes of destabilizing Russia. The source for The Times story was Andriy Kovalenko, head of Ukraine’s Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD), which operates under President Zelenskyy’s National Security and Defense Council.

The Times’s Kyiv correspondent Tom Ball repeats the centuries-old, British Empire line that “Russia, a country made up of nearly 200 ethnic groups and 21 national republics, has a long history of oppressing the minority populations it has engulfed over centuries of expansion across Eurasia.” Ball then adds: “For Ukraine, this tension between Russia’s Slavic and non-Slavic ethnicities is `fertile ground’ in which to exploit divisions and distrust among the Russian public, said Kovalenko.”

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