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Tucker Carlson Avers, That Ukraine Cannot Win Proxy War Against Russia

April 4, 2024 (EIRNS)—In a video posted on April 3, Tucker Carlson said the Biden administration is spending billions on an undeclared war with Russia through its support of Ukraine, in a war the latter cannot win. “Since Joe Biden became President, the U.S. government has spent hundreds of billions of dollars fighting an undeclared war against Russia. No one in all that time has explained, really, the purpose of this war. Officially, no one has told us why we are doing this”—that is, sending money to Ukraine.

Carlson added that Ukraine cannot win this conflict: “Russia is a far bigger country. It’s got 100 million more people and far deeper industrial capacities. Ukraine can’t win. Everybody knows that around the world. People are very clear on that. There is not one informed person outside the United States who thinks that somehow Ukraine is going to beat Russia, because it’s not.”

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