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U.K. Defense Officials Echo Macron: ‘Worth Considering’ Sending British Troops to Ukraine

April 13, 2024 (EIRNS)—For those who thought that French President Emmanuel Macron’s trial balloon about sending NATO troops to fight on Ukrainian soil had been shot down, think again. RT reported on April 12 that “the U.K. should consider sending troops to Ukraine, former Minister of State for the Armed Forces James Heappey said in an interview with Sky News published on [April 12] Friday. `Some of the things that Macron has suggested recently, I think are things that really do deserve consideration,’ Heappey said.… `I think you’ve got to be careful about how you do it. I think definitely nowhere near a combat zone. I think you’ve got to be very, very careful not to make it into a Russo-NATO war,’ he said.… Asked whether this means British troops could be deployed on a training mission inside Ukraine, Heappey said, `it’s worth considering.’”

The idea that British troops could somehow be sent into Ukraine to engage in war against Russia, without themselves becoming a military target, is the height of utopian lunacy.

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