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U.S. May Send Up to 60 ‘Military Advisers’ To Aid Ukraine

April 23, 2024 (EIRNS)—The U.S. is considering sending up to 60 “military troops-advisers,” to the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, to “support logistics and oversight efforts for the weapons that the U.S. is sending to Ukraine,” reports Politico in an April 20 article, “U.S. Weighs Sending Weapons to Ukraine as Russia Gains Momentum.” The news broke the same day that the U.S. House passed legislation for the U.S. to send $60.8 billion in weapons and other aid to Ukraine.

Pentagon spokesman Major Gen. Pat Ryder, told Politico, “Throughout this conflict, the DOD has reviewed and adjusted our presence in-country, as security conditions have evolved. Currently, we are considering sending several additional advisers to augment the Office of Defense Cooperation (ODC) at the Embassy.” While the ODC is an office at the Embassy, the Defense Department principally controls it. Ryder told Politico that the troops involved would be “non-combat.” Politico spoke with “four U.S. officials and a person familiar with the plans, who were granted anonymity to speak about a sensitive topic.”

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