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Germany’s Uckermark District Council Seeks Deescalation, Diplomacy in Ukraine War

April 11, 2024 (EIRNS)—Thirty-two members of Germany’s Uckermark district council have signed an open letter dated April 8 to the Federal Government and the Bundestag calling for a de-escalation of hostilities and initiative for diplomacy to end the Ukraine war. The text of the letter, published on April 9, is signed by politicians from all parties except the Greens. It notably includes the Alternative for Germany Party. The text follows.

“Dear Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Dear President of the Bundestag Bärbel Bas!

“We are addressing you in deep concern about a further escalation of the war and with the expectation that you will take responsibility for a peaceful solution instead of further arms deliveries.

“We strongly condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in violation of international law and the resulting war. We stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people, who have been suffering the catastrophic consequences of this war for two years now.

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