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U.S. To Deploy Long-Range Precision Missiles to Asia-Pacific

April 9, 2024 (EIRNS)—The commander of the U.S. Army Pacific Gen. Charles Flynn, on a visit to South Korea on April 6, announced that the U.S. would be deploying in the Asia-Pacific a new missile-launch system which could fire its latest “long-range precision fires,” such as the Standard Missile 6 (SM-6) or the maritime-strike Tomahawk. “That system will be deploying into the region soon. Where and when it’s going to go, I’m not going to talk about that now,” Yonhap News quoted Flynn as saying at Camp Humphreys, a U.S. Forces Korea base in Pyeongtaek near Seoul.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry responded, saying that Beijing had always been “firmly opposed” to U.S. deployment of medium-range missiles in the Asia-Pacific, strengthening forward deployment at “China’s doorstep to seek unilateral military superiority.”

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