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Arab Summit Draft Statement Calls for UN Peacekeepers and Two State Solution

The Arab Summit in Bahrain called on the UN Security Council to implement a two-state solution. Credit: UN Photo

According to an unofficial version of the final statement of today’s 33rd Arab Summit in Bahrain, obtained by Ahram Online, the group will call on the Arab states to “deploy international protection and peacekeeping forces under the United Nations in the occupied Palestinian territory until the two-state solution is implemented.” The statement calls on the UN Security Council to take clear actions to implement the two-state solution. It also urges to “set a timeline” for the political process and negotiations and to take clear steps to implement this solution.

Such a step will be followed by a resolution from the UNSC under Chapter VII, which will then establish a viable and contiguous State of Palestine on the pre-June 4, 1967 borders, with its capital in East Jerusalem, and end any occupation of its land.

It seeks for “urgent measures to halt the immediate and permanent ceasefire, end aggression in the Gaza Strip, provide protection for civilians, and release captives and detainees,” and the “withdrawal of Israeli occupation forces from all areas of the Gaza Strip,” lifting of the blockade imposed on Gaza, and reopening of all crossings to allow the entry of humanitarian aid.

It holds Israel responsible for the destruction of cities and civilian infrastructure in the Gaza Strip, and stresses their “categorical rejection of any attempts to forcibly displace Palestinians from their land in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.” It reiterates “full and strong rejection of any support for armed groups or militias operating outside the sovereignty of states and pursuing or executing external agendas conflicting with the higher interests of Arab states.”