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Backlash against University Administrators for Crackdown on Peaceful Protesters

Administration at a number of U.S. universities are now feeling the heat for taking actions against peaceful student protests against the Gaza genocide in recent days. Not all of these actions will lead to removal of these administrators, but it does indicate to university trustees that they are losing support and confidence from faculty and the campus community. The decision to invite police onto the campus, who used harsh tactics against peaceful protesters, and their imposing severe punishments and suspensions on students will not be soon forgotten. Many faculty decry constant restrictions on academic freedoms on campuses.

A group of professors from Tulane University condemned university administrators on May 8 for “criminalizing peaceful protest,” according to the Washington Post. In Georgia, Emory College faculty denounced the violent crackdown against their peaceful students. The academic senate at UCLA voted “no confidence” in Chancellor Gene Block on May 10. USC’s academic senate voted 21-7 to censure President Carol Folt and Provost Andrew Guzman for canceling the commencement ceremony. Barnard College faculty condemned President Laura Rosenbury for suspending peaceful student protesters. Columbia University President Minouche Shafik is expected to receive similar treatment this week.