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Canada Stonewalls Russia on Legal Case Against Nazi Collaborator Hunka

Russian Prosecutor-General Igor Krasnov told RIA Novosti this morning, when asked about the extradition from Canada of Yaroslav Hunka—the Ukrainian Nazi collaborator celebrated at Canada’s Parliament last year as Justin Trudeau hosted Volodymyr Zelenskyy—explained that their Dec. 5 request to the Canadian Ministry of Justice was refused. He is “accused of killing at least 500 civilians between February 23 and 28, 1944 in the Lvov region of the Ukrainian S.S.R., including Jews and Poles.”

Canada stated that there’s no extradition treaty between the two countries, but Krasnov pointed out “that, according to Canadian law, the existence of a bilateral treaty is not a prerequisite for extradition. Extradition is possible on the basis of a multilateral international treaty, and is provided for by the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.… Given the undeniable affiliation of Yaroslav Hunka to a criminal organization recognized by the Nuremberg Tribunal—the SS division ‘Galicia’—the refusal of the Canadian authorities is a gross violation of the unshakable principle of the inevitability of punishment for international crimes: war crimes, crimes against peace and humanity, which were developed and enshrined in the Charter and the Sentence” of the “International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg.”

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