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Egypt Warns, Israel's Rafah Invasion Could End Their 1979 Peace Treaty

Amid the ongoing Israeli military holocaust in Rafah, a senior Egyptian official has raised concerns, warning Israel, the United States, and European governments about the potential risk posed to the longstanding peace treaty between Egypt and Israel, signed between Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin in Washington with President Carter in March 1979, becoming the first Arab country to recognize Israel.

Speaking anonymously to the Associated Press, the official emphasized that Cairo views the current situation as a threat to regional stability and to the cornerstone peace agreement.

Tel Aviv broadcaster i24 News adds that Egypt “had previously cautioned against any Israeli incursion into Rafah or the displacement of its residents, as such actions could jeopardize the decades-long peace treaty between Egypt and Israel. To mitigate the risk of a refugee crisis, Egypt has bolstered its border security measures, deploying tanks and reinforcing the border wall with Gaza. The aim is to prevent a significant influx of refugees into the Sinai Peninsula amid the escalating conflict between Israel and Hamas.”