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Washington Post Sees Some Danger in Targeting Russian Early Warning System

Russian early warning radar. Credit: Presidential Press and Information Office

Under the headline posted May 29, “U.S. Concerned about Ukraine Strikes on Russian Nuclear Radar Stations,” the Washington Post told at least some of the story of the implications of Ukraine’s targeting of Russia’s early warning system. The Post reports that “Washington conveyed to Kyiv that attacks on Russian early-warning systems could be destabilizing.” This can be viewed in the same light as U.S. “warnings” to Israel to carry out their genocide in a more humane manner.

Ellen Nakashima, one of the Post’s leading reporters on strategic issues, writes: “The United States fears that recent Ukrainian drone strikes targeting Russian nuclear early-warning systems could dangerously unsettle Moscow at a time when the Biden administration is weighing whether to lift restrictions on Ukraine using U.S.-supplied weapons in cross-border attacks.” She quotes an anonymous “U.S. official,” who says: “These sites have not been involved in supporting Russia’s war against Ukraine. But they are sensitive locations, because Russia could perceive that its strategic deterrent capabilities are being targeted, which could undermine Russia’s ability to maintain nuclear deterrence against the United States.”

She quotes the notorious Dmitri Alperovitch, founder of CrowdStrike, that “attacks by Kyiv on Russian nuclear deterrence infrastructure has potential to trigger a perilous escalation with the West. At the end of the day, nuclear command and control and early-warning sites should be off-limits.''

Nakashima reports that State of State Blinken and other officials, including NATO officials, have advised Biden to allow Ukraine to use U.S. weapons to hit targets deep within Russia, which Biden is “considering.”