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EIR Releases Dossier on “‘Countering Disinformation’ by Assassination: Lesson of the Fico Hit”

May 27, 2024—EIR News Service today released a new dossier with the above headline as a guide for international investigators seeking to answer the urgent strategic questions raised by the May 15 assassination attempt on Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico: Who set up the hit? Who gave the order to proceed? Cui bono? What comes next?

‘Countering Disinformation’ by Assassination: Lesson of the Fico Hit
May 24, 2024—Whoever may have pulled the trigger, the May 15 assassination attempt on Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico is no domestic Slovak affair. The urgent strategic questions to be answered are: Who set up the hit? Who gave the order to proceed? Cui bono? Any investigation into

EIR’s roadmap starts from the fact that Slovakia’s Fico had been in the crosshairs of the Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD) and the broader NATO-associated “anti-disinformation” apparatus centered in Ukraine since at least April 2022. Hungary’s Viktor Orbán, Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche, U.S. Sen. Rand Paul and Rep. Thomas Massie are among the other European and American leaders also labeled “Kremlin propagandists” and “information terrorists” by the same apparatus, along with hundreds of other European and American politicians, journalists, academics, military and other professionals. This Ukrainian-based operation is financed by the U.S. State Department, the British government, and others.

“Lesson of the Fico Hit” updates EIR’s groundbreaking dossier on “Kiev’s ‘Info Terrorist’ List: ‘Global NATO’ Orders a Hit on Advocates of Peace,” documenting how their assignment is to target, intimidate and silence any advocates of peace and diplomacy who oppose NATO’s war plans against Russia, China, and other nations. Two elements are added in the new study: How the Ukrainian “countering disinformation” apparatus is intended to be replicated in every European country; and an in-depth profile of another key player in the West’s Ukrainian hit list apparatus, the “private” intelligence agency named Molfar-OSINT.

Rapid, decisive action is required to shut down this “anti-disinformation” warfare—including by cutting off its funding by the U.S. and other NATO governments—before others on the NATO-Ukrainian lists get the “Fico treatment.”

‘Countering Disinformation’ by Assassination: Lesson of the Fico Hit
May 24, 2024—Whoever may have pulled the trigger, the May 15 assassination attempt on Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico is no domestic Slovak affair. The urgent strategic questions to be answered are: Who set up the hit? Who gave the order to proceed? Cui bono? Any investigation into