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Gaza Protests Continue To Grow Across Europe

At the University of Amsterdam, 32 people were arrested as police in riot gear tore down barricades according to The Guardian. Utrecht University has students occupying buildings, and at Ghent University, students are occupying both buildings and much of the campus.

In Spain, students at the University of Valencia are calling for Spain to cut off all diplomatic ties to Israel, and in Madrid there is an encampment of 80 tents at Complutense University. There are also protests in Barcelona and much activity across the Basque areas in northern Spain and southern France. An association of 77 universities in Spain is working so that all universities in the association cut off any ties to any Israeli university or research center. Spain’s Minister of Science Diane Morant told reporters that she is “proud” of the student activists and wants Spain’s universities to be centers of “critical thinking.”

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