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Zepp-LaRouche Tells TASS, Putin ‘Evokes the Spirit of the Peace of Westphalia’

Today, May 9, is Victory Day, commemorated with solemn ceremonies in Russia and in the many nations that were part of the Soviet Union. The fight against the Nazi onslaught 80 years ago cost the lives of more than 27 million Soviet citizens—soldiers, women, children, the elderly. The fascist assault was intended to be the final extermination of the peoples of the Soviet Union and others.

In Asia, more than 20 million Chinese lost their lives in the fight against the Japanese fascists. That is the setting behind President Xi Jinping’s current Peace Tour in Western and Eastern Europe. That is the history behind President Putin’s reiterated offer this week to negotiate for peace, but only on an equal, mutually respectful footing with the West. In this context, the interview of Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche in TASS published today—focused on a proposed new Peace of Westphalia as the only “way out” against a coming World War III—is of no little significance. TASS elaborated on the content of the Treaty of Westphalia, explaining that “its principles are still relevant.” Here is the English interview in TASS:

Putin’s Inauguration Speech Evokes Key Principle of Peace of Westphalia—Analyst

“It is of existential importance that President Putin reiterated, in his inauguration speech, his openness to have a dialogue with the West,” Helga Zepp-LaRouche said.

WASHINGTON, May 9. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s inauguration speech evoked the key principle of the 1648 Peace of Westphalia, which called for countries to respect each other’s interest, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the founder of the Schiller Institute, said in an interview.

“It is of existential importance that President Putin reiterated, in his inauguration speech, his openness to have a dialogue with the West on an equal footing, and with respect for each other’s interest,” she said.

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