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Israel Calls in Norwegian and Irish Envoys on Their ‘Twisted Decision’ To Recognize Palestine

The recall of Israel’s ambassadors to Norway and Ireland was ordered by Foreign Minister Israel Katz, in immediate response to those two countries announcing that they are formalizing recognizing a State of Palestine, as a necessary step for a two-state solution. The Times of Israel quoted Katz: “I am sending an unequivocal message… Israel will not let this go quietly.”

Katz also summoned their envoys, along with that of Spain, to issue them “severe reprimands.” He said that he would give them a preview of a special video, which Israel has planned to release tonight, with footage of the Oct. 7 kidnapping of five Israel’s female soldiers. (A photo shows a female soldier with a bloody chin.) He said it will “underscore to them what a twisted decision their governments made. Their step will have severe consequences.”

Apparently, the video was prepared in anticipation of the International Criminal Court filing for arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. The Israeli government had done something similar with their grand announcement of Hamas agents allegedly in the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), timed for the day that the UN’s International Court of Justice was to rule on Israel’s complicity in genocide. (Israel subsequently failed to provide evidence to the UN of Hamas’s conspiracy inside UNRWA.)

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