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Israel Seized Control over the ‘Philadelphi Corridor’—Remaining Egypt-Gaza Border

On May 29, Israel took sole control over the 14-km stretch of border between Egypt and Gaza, called the Philadelphi Corridor, which in effect, has given Israel total control of all the land border of the Gaza Strip. Clearly, Israel is willing to scrap the agreements with Egypt, which have been at the center of whatever diplomacy has existed in the region.

The Guardian of London reported, “In a televised briefing on Wednesday [May 29], chief military spokesperson Daniel Hagari said Israeli forces had gained ‘operational’ control over the Philadelphi Corridor, using the Israeli military’s code name for the 14-km-long corridor along the Gaza Strip’s only border with Egypt.” This includes IDF soldiers in the area. Hagari claimed, “The Philadelphi Corridor served as an oxygen line for Hamas, which it regularly used to smuggle weapons into the area of the Gaza Strip.” He said that the IDF had “discovered around 20 tunnels” in the area.

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