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Larry Johnson Posts on His May 24 International Peace Coalition Activity

Intelligence professional Larry Johnson, formerly with the CIA and the State Department, reported on the Friday, May 24 International Peace Coalition deliberations on his website, “A Son of the New American Revolution":

“It has been a pretty busy Friday. I spoke to the Schiller Institute via a Zoom call, alongside Ray McGovern and Graham Fuller. Graham, for you youngsters out there, is a distinguished author, served with the State Department and the CIA (he did a stint as Chief of Station in Kabul in 1978) and headed up the National Intelligence Council (aka the NIC) before he retired from Uncle Sam and moved to the private sector. I spoke first on the Zoom call and was honored that Mr. Fuller fully endorsed my views. That reassured me that I am not engaged in delusional bullshit. When I get a thumbs-up from men like Fuller and McGovern, it is validating.

“The big news on the Middle East front was the order issued by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) demanding Israel cease military operations in Gaza and open border posts to allow for the delivery of humanitarian aid. This decision carries more weight than the International Criminal Court (ICC) judges being asked to issue arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant, along with the Hamas leadership. The ICJ decision will now go to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) for action. I fully expect the U.S. to veto any move to enforce the ICJ decree. However, the matter will then go to the General Assembly, where the body could act to ban Israel from the UN for its failure to follow the ICJ dictate. If that happens, what irony. The very body that created the nation of Israel could now toss Israel from participating until it comes to its senses.”

Later that day, Johnson appeared with Ray McGovern (Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity) on Judge Andrew Napolitano’s show “Judging Freedom” and there referenced the morning’s deliberations at the Schiller Institute event. The first of more than a hundred comments asked: “Hi Larry, do you have a link to the Schiller Institute podcast?” In reply, “bonbon” wrote: “That should appear here: #50 is already there, #51 on the way…"
The summary of IPC meeting No. 51 is now at that site, and also an hour-long video from that May 24 Zoom meeting, with Johnson, McGovern, Graham Fuller and LaRouche independent candidate for Congress Jose Vega (CD-15, Bronx), all with Helga Zepp-LaRouche.