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Lavrov Tells Federation Council Russia and China Seek To ‘Establish a Fairer Democratic World Order’

Russian Foreign Minister designate Sergey Lavrov spoke to a plenary session of the Federation Council on May 14, as part of the ratification process for himself and President Putin’s other nominees for his new cabinet. According to TASS Lavrov told the Senators that Russia and China want to be at the forefront of establishing an actually democratic world order, whereas the West speaks about democracy “only when it wants to interfere into domestic affairs of any country.”

“China has become a global leader,” Lavrov said. “This is not liked by the United States, which, along with its satellites, has brought to heel the rest of the West, and has declared doctrinally that it cannot allow anyone to be stronger and more influential than Washington. That is why we, along with our Chinese colleagues, are interested in continuing to be the leaders in terms of efforts toward establishing a fairer democratic world order.”

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