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NATO Training Fighters for Insurgency Operations in Belarus

Information released by the government of Belarus indicates extensive operations in Ukraine, Poland, and Lithuania to train Belarus dissidents for insurgency operations in the country. In a paper released by the Belarus authorities, it is stated: “These individuals are trained according to NATO standards under the guidance of former and active servicemen of Western countries and Ukraine, and training sessions were held with instructors of the Polish “GROM” special forces.” The training includes the use of UAVs, combat tactics in urban areas, storming buildings, carrying out sabotage and terrorist attacks and the basics of planting landmines and other explosives.

One of these groups, the so-called Kalinovsky regiment, operates in Ukraine under the leadership of the Defense Ministry’s GUR. Training is held in Kyiv and the Kirovograd regions. UAV operators are trained in the Ivano-Frankivsk region.One extremist formation “Cyber partisans'’ specializing in cyber attacks on infrastructure facilities and information facilities of state bodies and enterprises, actively cooperates with the “regiment.”

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