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Sonoma State University Head Forced Out after Negotiating with Student Protesters

California’s Sonoma State University President Mike Lee has been run out of office, for collaborating with students. A student encampment began on Person Lawn at Sonoma State on April 26, according to the Washington Post. Beginning on May 10 the university president, Mike Lee, along with faculty members began to negotiate with the protesters, and by May 14 they reached an agreement. President Lee agreed to review university investments and implement an academic boycott of any universities where racial discrimination or apartheid were tolerated. President Lee along with the student activists signed a statement that they, “oppose and condemn all acts of genocide, ethnic cleansing, racism, anti-Semitism, and other activities that violate fundamental human rights.” President Lee added a personal statement that, “None of us should be on the sidelines when human beings are subject to mass killing and destruction.”

The California State University system put President Lee on “administrative leave” for coming to that agreement with the student protesters. President Lee would end-up taking an early retirement. This encampment stood for 19 days and was completely peaceful. The protesters had widespread support on campus and many people brought them food and supplies.