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Ambassador Antonov Hits Biden as Insulting All Russians by Attack on Putin

Anatoly Antonov, Russian Ambassador to Washington, charged that President Joe Biden insulted all Russians with his invective against Russian President Vladimir Putin during Biden’s commencement speech delivered at the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, New York, yesterday. “I find such behavior unacceptable for any responsible politician, and even more so a leader of the country. Verbal rudeness and attempts to self-assert an image of our President reflect Washington’s anger over Russia, speaking the language of Americans, challenging the ‘rules-based world order.’” Antonov began, in an English posting on the Embassy’s Facebook page.

“It’s time for local governments to come to terms with the fact that we continue to pursue independent and sovereign politics based on national interests. J. Biden insults the entire Russian people lining up behind V.V. Putin, demonstrating unshakable cohesion around the head of our state,” he concluded.

During the speech, Biden declared that “we are standing strong with Ukraine and we will stand with them. We’re standing against a man who I’ve known well for many years, a brutal tyrant. We may not—and we will not walk away.”