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An article posted yesterday in a prominent online Russian news website, Военная платформа (Military Platform), gives what is probably the “semi-official” interpretation of the Armavir attack. After explaining the vital function of the facility, Military Platform says, “The terrorist attack, the purpose of which was to destroy the Voronezh-DM radar, testifies to the lack of control on the part of the United States over the Kyiv regime, which has finally ‘gone crazy.’ After all, a defeat or even an attempt to attack elements of Russian strategic nuclear forces automatically puts the entire system on high alert.

“Therefore, Washington would be unlikely to give Zelenskyy the go-ahead to carry out such a terrorist attack. After all, the states do not need unnecessary escalation with the use of nuclear weapons, since this is a path to nowhere. And for the entire planet.

“Let us note that even the slightest deterioration in the radio-electronic situation around such objects can act as a trigger for the activation of nuclear deterrent forces, and this is fraught with irreversible consequences.”

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