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Russia’s Ambassador Chastises U.S. for Callousness over Civilian Deaths

Russia’s Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov issued a statement on the Embassy’s Telegram channel on May 12 castigating the United States for its lack of response to Ukraine’s targeting and killing civilians in Belgorod. Kiev’s forces launched a massive cross-border attack targeting the city of Belgorod with Tochka-U ballistic missiles, hitting and destroying an apartment complex, killing 15 civilians and injuring at least 25.

Antonov pointed out: “The reaction of American officials to the deadly strikes by the Ukrainian Armed Forces on residential areas, or rather the absence of even a hint of condolences, is very telling. It emphasizes Washington’s readiness to do everything to relieve the Kiev puppets of responsibility for their atrocities. Children, women, and old people are being killed with Western weapons. Some promises by Kiev not to use weapons it received from America on targets in our country are not worth a penny.”

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