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Slovakia Targeting Assassin’s Support Network, 48 People Identified

Slovak Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok provided another update on the government’s investigation into possible collaborators of the gunman Juraj Cintula, in the attempted assassination of Prime Minister Robert Fico on May 15, TASS has reported. He said that the police had now identified 48 individuals, who were being investigated for possibly playing a supporting role, and who had spread hatred on social media targeting Fico. One line of thought proposes a network of supporters who instigated the shooter.

Slovakia’s Prosecutor General Maros Zilinka added: “The public wants to know why the crime has not been classified as a terrorist act. The case may be classified like that in the future but only if supported by evidence,” he noted at a press conference following a meeting of the Slovak Security Council. According to him, the prosecutor’s office is working to bring charges against those who supported the attack on Fico and are spreading hatred in society. He expressed confidence that he had sufficient tools at the present level of classification, or at an upgraded “terrorist act” level, to get the job done, emphasizing: “These criminals will get what’s coming to them.”