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Spain, Ireland, Malta and Slovenia To Recognize the Palestinian State May 21

The European Union’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell announced late on May 9 that four EU countries—Spain, Ireland, Slovenia and Malta—plan to recognize the Palestinian state on May 21. He was speaking to Spain’s RNE radio station one day before the UN General Assembly met and passed a draft resolution (143-9 with 25 abstentions) requesting that the UN Security Council reconsider its position. On April 18, the U.S. vetoed a draft resolution presented by Algeria supporting Palestine’s UN membership, and the UNGA is asking the UNSC to vote favorably now.

According to a Reuters report published in Times of Israel, Ireland’s national RTE broadcaster reported May 9 that Spain, Ireland, Slovenia and Malta had been waiting for the UN vote and were considering issuing a joint recognition on May 21. In late March, the four had issued a joint statement indicating they had agreed to take initial steps toward recognizing a State of Palestine.

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