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Spain’s Col. Baños Warns, Fico Hit Is Message to European Dissidents; Democracy Does Not Exist in EU

Col. Pedro Baños. Credit: Creative Commons

Retired Spanish Col. Pedro Baños Bajos, a well-known anti-Establishment voice who knows what British intelligence can and does do from personal experience, posted two examples on his X account of the wild derogatory headlines run by Spanish media painting Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico as a “pro-Russian” tool, even as they reported he had been shot. Colonel Baños warned that if this is how a dissident EU prime minister is treated, thinking citizens should be prepared for similar treatment.

• “In Europe (the ‘Borrellian’ garden), an assassination attempt is carried out against the prime minister of a member country of the European Union, and these are the headlines in the media.

• “Since Robert Fico, Prime Minister of Slovakia, is not a loyal vassal of those who really rule the EU and its postulates, he deserves to be shot. It doesn’t matter that Fico was democratically elected by his people. The important thing is to take every opportunity to attack his policies.

• “Fico was against Ukraine’s entry into NATO, had refused to reach agreements with the WHO, and is considered pro-Russian for advocating a peace agreement in Ukraine, as well as anti-globalist and anti-immigration on a massive scale.

• “It could not be more illustrative of the disgusting monstrosity that the EU has become, where any discordant voice with the narrative imposed by the dominant power, domestic or foreign, must be silenced. It makes no difference whether it is a YouTuber or a prime minister. That is what this mock democracy in which we live has been reduced to.

• “If this is done to a prime minister, let the other dissenting voices be prepared to suffer media and digital, or even physical, wrath.

• “As for the degeneration and servility of journalism, it is better not to talk about it. Their headlines say it all.”

In June, 2018, the British intelligence front called the Integrity Initiative successfully kept Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez from naming Colonel Baños as his National Security Advisor, which he was about to do, by planting stories in various Spanish media simultaneously smearing him as a “Russian asset” (which he definitely is not).