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State Department Announces a $400 Million Military Aid Package for Ukraine

Stinger missiles, part of the latest aid package to Ukraine. Credit: Photo by Staff Sgt. Kathleen Polanco

Committed to keeping the endless Ukrainian war going, no matter how many Ukrainians are sent to their graves, yesterday the Secretary of State Tony Blinken announced another military aid package in the amount of $400 million “to support the brave Ukrainian people as they defend their country against Russia’s aggression.”

The package includes an array of defense munitions for Patriot and National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems; Stinger anti-aircraft missiles; equipment to integrate Western launchers, missiles, and radars with Ukraine’s systems; High-speed Anti-radiation missiles; Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles; M113 Armored Personnel Carriers; and Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles, among many other items.