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State Duma Ratifies Russia-China Agreement on Lunar Station

The Russian State Duma today ratified the agreement made between Russia and China to build the International Lunar Research Station (ILRS). The agreement states that this cooperation “meets the interests of the Russian Federation, as it will help strengthen the strategic partnership between Russia and China, develop Russian space activities, and bolster the Russian Federation’s leading role in space exploration, including Moon research and usage efforts.”

Interfax reports today: “The objective of the international lunar research station is to conduct multidisciplinary and multipurpose scientific studies, including with a focus on Moon research and usage, and run fundamental exploratory experiments and test technologies, including the station’s potential long-term unmanned operation and a possible human presence on the Moon.”

It further reports that “Bilateral Russian-Chinese cooperation in creating and operating the international lunar research station will make it possible to enhance the effectiveness of research on board the station due to a decrease in the cost of building and operating it, as well as help avoid potential technical and financial risks during exploration and usage of the Moon and train researchers and specialists who will be in charge of scientific space projects in the future.”

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