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Szijjarto in Minsk Asserts, Only a Ceasefire and Negotiations Will Lead to Peace

Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto went to Belarus May 29, where he met with Foreign Minister Sergei Aleinik and others, and is underlining efforts to end the conflict in neighboring Ukraine. “Hungary’s goal is unequivocal. We do not want to take part in the war,” Szijjarto argued, following a meeting of the Belarusian-Hungarian intergovernmental commission on economic cooperation. “Over the past two-and-a-half years, we have made sure that this war cannot be solved by military means. There is no solution on the battlefield, there is destruction. We are horrified by the statements that are aimed at escalating the war. We are horrified to hear the countries of the European Union or NATO talking about their desire to send their soldiers to this war. We are horrified to hear the statements about the possible use of nuclear weapons,” Minister Szijjarto said.

Szijjarto continued: “Therefore, I asked Belarus to do everything possible to end the war in Ukraine as soon as possible. To end the suffering and senseless killings. So that we can finally live in peace in this region again.”

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