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Initially billed as a game-changer for humanitarian aid deliveries to Gaza, President Biden’s pier hasn’t lived up to much more than an expensive talking point. On May 25, only one week after the first trucks rolled across into Gaza carrying humanitarian aid, the pier broke apart and floated away. Not even all the pieces have been recovered yet! According to Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh during her May 28 briefing, the pieces are being collected and will be taken to Israel for repairs, following which the pier will be re-installed.

However, Singh didn’t seem to have a plan for what the Pentagon intended to do if the Mediterranean wind blew again. When asked about this, she replied: “Look, I can’t predict the weather, but we believe that given the time of year, we will be able to re-anchor this pier and it will be able to be operational, and hopefully, weather conditions won’t hinder it anymore.”

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