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U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken dropped in on Kyiv this morning, a visit that had not been announced. The State Department readout says that Blinken “met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy today in Kyiv. The two discussed recent battlefield updates and the importance of newly-arrived U.S. security assistance to helping repel Russian attacks. They also discussed long-term security arrangements and ongoing work to ensure Ukraine can thrive economically. Secretary Blinken reiterated the United States’ enduring support for Ukraine’s sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity and our commitment to Ukraine’s recovery.”

The Associated Press and Reuters reported that he told the Ukrainian leader that “in the near term the assistance is now on the way, some of it has already arrived and more of it will be arriving,” adding that it is “going to make a real difference against the ongoing Russian aggression on the battlefield.” Separately, a U.S. official traveling with Blinken told reporters that the aim of Blinken’s visit is “send a strong signal of reassurance to the Ukrainians who are obviously in a very difficult moment” and detail how U.S. aid will help Kyiv’s forces “take back the initiative on the battlefield.”

Zelenskyy, according to BBC correspondent Tom Bateman, stressed to Blinken that Ukrainian troops have been through what he called a “tough period,” particularly in the east. He thanked Blinken for the “crucial package” of military assistance. Apparently, Zelenskyy employed the past tense—"have been through” a tough period—suggesting that the “tough period” was now behind them.

However, it got tougher. Blinken underlined his message, that the whole free world was at stake in Ukraine, by heading off Kyiv’s underground Bar Diktat to show the soldiers on the front line what they are fighting for. Guitar in hand, he warbled on stage, “Rockin’ to the Free World.”

In cases like this, it is customary to shake one’s head and advise the performer to keep their day job. However, despite the pathetic voice, in this case, perhaps an exception could be made, and the Secretary of State could drop his day job.