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Washington Post Columnist Cites Biden Weighing ‘New Countermeasures’ Against Both Russia and China

The volume of shrill demands to escalate the war against Russia by unleashing the Kyiv regime to take the war into Russia itself, is growing louder, driven by the delusion that Russian President Vladimir Putin is only “bluffing” when he warns against such escalation. From the U.S. Capitol, both the Washington Post and Politico report on what the Biden Administration could and should do.

The Post’s senior columnist David Ignatius wrote an op-ed May 28 that Biden is considering “two tough, new countermeasures” to against recent Russian advances in Ukraine. These two are “punishing China for supplying key technology to Moscow, and lifting limits on Ukrainian use of U.S. short-range weapons to attack inside Russia.

“These moves would represent a significant escalation of Biden’s carefully calibrated policy of supporting Ukraine while seeking to avoid direct confrontation with Russian President Vladimir Putin or his key ally, China’s Xi Jinping,” Ignatius asserted, apparently unaware of the folly from the beginning of Biden’s policy on Russia and China.

Ignatius continued: “We might be nearing another inflection point in Ukraine. As China leans harder into its partnership with a newly dominant Russia, Biden is weighing whether to deepen his alliance with Kyiv. This would bring new risks, but it would make sense if it could bolster a wobbly Ukraine and rebalance the negotiating table, which is where this war must eventually be settled,” he concluded.

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