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Who Are Robert Fico’s Enemies Who Would Want Him Dead?

Whoever may have pulled the trigger, the assassination attempt against Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico is no domestic Slovak affair. The crucial strategic questions are: Who set up the hit? Who gave the order to proceed? Cui bono?

Fico has been an obstacle to the Anglo-American and EU policy of using Ukraine as NATO’s proxy to deliver a strategic defeat against Russia, from before he campaigned and was elected in the fall of 2023 on the basis of opposing that policy. Ukraine’s Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD), a NATO-guided unit operating out of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s National Security and Defense Council, placed Fico on their hit list of so-called “Kremlin propagandists” enemies, when it was first made public in July 2022.

Fico told London’s The Telegraph while campaigning in September 2023 that, if elected, he would cut arms supplies to Kyiv altogether, because “it is better to negotiate peace for 10 years and stop military operations than to let the Ukrainians and Russians kill each other for another 10 years without results.” In his inaugural speech Oct. 25, 2023, he announced Slovakia would only send civilian and humanitarian aid to Ukraine; all military aid would end. Before meeting Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal in January 2024, he told Slovak radio broadcaster RTVS that he would be informing Shmyhal that he will veto and block Ukraine’s NATO bid, “because that is exactly the basis of the Third World War and nothing else.”

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