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Zepp-LaRouche Briefs China’s ‘World Today’ on Xi Jinping’s Visit to Hungary

Helga Zepp-LaRouche gave an interview to China’s radio program “World Today” on May 9, the last day of Xi Jinping’s visit to Europe, with his last stop in Hungary. Regarding why the China-Hungary relationship was doing so well, Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche, the founder and chairwoman of the International Schiller Institute, pointed to Hungary’s decision, some time ago, on its opening up to the East, which resulted in its being the first EU country to join China’s Belt and Road. She also said that Hungary is well aware of the “tectonic changes” in the world, with the rise of the Global South, and Hungary sees China as a “door” to the Global South.

From the Chinese side, it shows the effect of the model of win-win cooperation and friendship between nations, she said. It goes against what British imperialist Winston Churchill insisted about countries having only “interests” and not “friends.” China has shown that countries can also develop relations of real friendship.

The host noted the major Chinese investment in Hungary, in a new plant that will produce batteries for electric vehicles, and new plans to even build an EV factory in Hungary. He asked if that would have an influence on the threats being made by the EU on imposing tariffs on Chinese cars. She said that the tariffs are due to pressure from the U.S. and Great Britain. The car manufacturers in Germany like BMW and Volkswagen are opposed to tariffs. “They believe that competition with China will actually help in the innovation drive within the industry, and therefore, they are opposed to tariffs.”

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