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Early yesterday morning, another mass shooting occurred, this one in Akron, Ohio. One man is dead and at least 25 others were wounded, including at least two critically. Last night, Akron Police Chief Brian Harding said that it was a street birthday party and that the victims were from 19 to 43 years of age, with most in their 30s. He said that it was possible someone might have shot at the crowd from a moving car, and that others returned fire. The casings indicate that more than two weapons were involved.

Akron Mayor Shammas Malik at Sunday’s news conference called gun violence in the U.S. an epidemic, putting to a long line of shootings that have taken place across the nation. “Here, the sheer number of victims is shocking and deeply concerning,” Malik said. “We can only be thankful that of the 25 individuals injured, we did not have more fatalities.”

Mass shootings in the US, defined as 4 or more gunfire victims in a single incident, are still running in 2024 at one every 16 hours; however, in the last 12 days, they have occurred on average every 12 hours.