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As Hungary Assumes the Lead of EU, Orbán Announces ‘Patriots for Europe’ Parliamentary Faction

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Credit: European Union

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced today a new alliance in the EU Parliament, formed from his Fidesz party, the Czech Republic’s ANO (their largest opposition bloc, headed by former Prime Minister Andrej Babis), and the Freedom Party of Austria (FPO), headed by Herbert Kickl. They named their grouping the “Patriots for Europe.” The announcement precedes by one day Hungary’s assumption of the presidency of the EU Council for the next six months.

At a press conference today with Babis and Orbán, Kickl stated: “We will not passively watch the formation of a European superstate, in which sovereignty and the self-determination of individual states are just empty phrases. We want a Europe that once again shows itself and develops with pride, value awareness, traditions and diversity.”

Orbán stated that the June 9 EU election results were recognized by some EU countries, but “the Brussels elite is resisting, because Brussels is not a democratic construct. In this situation, it is our duty to enforce the will of the voters. Three political parties are sitting here before you. The strongest Austrian party, the strongest Czech party and the strongest Hungarian party, and we take the responsibility to launch this new platform and new faction.... Today we are creating a political formation that I believe will very quickly become the largest faction of the European right-wing.” He added that EU policies need to yield to the results of the June 9 European Parliament elections, where the ruling coalitions in Germany and France were effectively smashed.

The election resulted in 24 seats for the new alliance of Fidesz (11), ANO (7) and FPO (7). The three leaders stated that they expect many other European parties would be joining with their initiative shortly, as they intend “to establish the largest party alliance of the European right.” Orbán said that their political alliance “will very quickly become the largest faction of the European right. It will happen within days.”

The “Patriots for Europe” statement says that “the nations of Europe have reached a historical turning point. The European Union—which was once a dream project rooted in the desire for reconciliation after the devastation caused by two world wars and decades of division—has turned against Europeans and now represents interests that are contrary to the will of the nations, regions and small communities that make up our European homeland. Institutions unknown to European citizens and distant from them—together with such strong globalist forces, bureaucrats elected by no one, lobby and interest groups who disregard the voice of the majority and the wider popular democracy—plan to take the place of the nations. And what is their tool for this? A European central state....

“The recent European Parliament elections in June therefore had both generational and existential significance. The political fault line is no longer between conservatives and liberals or right and left, but between centrists—who are the harbingers of a new European ‘superstate'—and patriots and sovereignists…. Only through the victory and cooperation of the continent’s patriotic and sovereignist parties can we guarantee the inheritance of our children.”

The three leaders signed the statement, which also declared that they “believe in a Europe made up of strong, proud and independent nations; from nations that can freely decide to co-exist and cooperate in mutual agreement; they believe in a Europe that works together through institutions rooted in nations; through institutions that act on behalf of and are accountable to the people of Europe. A Europe that is sovereign and irresistibly represents its interests, free from any dependency that hinders the implementation of the will of its national communities—whether at home or abroad. Committed to peace and dialogue, but at the same time ready to defend itself against any danger; it protects and celebrates its European identity, traditions and customs, the fruit of the Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian heritage. It values ​​the diversity inherent in its nations, their history and way of life, and at the same time resists ultimatums aimed at changing it according to current fashion trends….

“We are taking back our institutions and directing European politics in a direction that serves our nations and peoples. We prioritize sovereignty over federalism, freedom over dictates, and peace: this is the manifesto of patriots serving Europe.”