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Belarus Reports Threatening Ukrainian Deployments on Their Border

Belarus’s Defense Ministry told the official news agency BelTA on June 28 that they have deployed the multiple-launch rocket system (MLRS) Polonez squadron to cover sections of their border with Ukraine, done as part of an ongoing inspection of the Belarusian army. They stated: “The units set up and camouflaged facilities for accommodating personnel and vehicles in the designated area and continue carrying out their assigned missions.”

Chief of the General Staff of Belarus’ Armed Forces Major General Pavel Muraveiko commented, on the Defense Ministry’s Telegram channel, on a recent buildup by Ukrainian forces on their border with Belarus, specifically the Zhitomir oblast. This includes Ukrainian special forces and air defense units. He stated, as reported by BelTA: “The situation at our southern border is sufficiently complicated. And it changes every day. And not for the better at that. The Belarusian-Ukrainian border is 1,084km long. Literally for the last few weeks we’ve been observing unwarranted activity on the Ukrainian side of the border. We cannot understand reasons behind it yet.... The deployment of special operations units near the state border always gives reasons for concern. And these are the objects that form real challenges able to saturate our territory with sabotage and reconnaissance forces, who are capable of staging provocations.” He added that “we are forced to move our units there, link up with border service units, enhance individual deployments, and make preparations for cover operations in addition to moving artillery units there in order to be able to respond in time.”

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