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Brazilian Media Cover Schiller Institute's Nuclear War Danger Press Conference

Excellent coverage of the Schiller Institute’s June 12 emergency press conference at the National Press Club in Washington has been published in two independent Brazilian nationalist-oriented platforms.

The first appeared in VeritXpress on June 15, headlined, “Scott Ritter: The Risk of Nuclear War is Real and Must be Stopped.” It reports that the Schiller Institute sponsored the press conference, at which Scott Ritter, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Colonel Larry Wilkerson and Col. Richard H. Black (each identified) all spoke. “In the middle of the debate, Scott Ritter said that the greatest threat to the survival of the United States today is the US itself, its nuclear policy and its nuclear weapons. He emphasized that these weapons are loaded and pointed at the heads of Americans, with the finger of an insane man on the trigger,” VeritXpress wrote, before quoting Ritter’s opening remarks at length. Note that VeritXPress also publishes its articles in English, Spanish and Russian on its site.

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