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Covert Action Magazine Covers Schiller Institute Press Conference

CovertAction Magazine, in a June 21 article, reported on the June 12 Schiller Institute Emergency Press Conference “The Danger of Nuclear War Is Real, and Must Be Stopped.”

“‘You will die,’ Scott Ritter warned Americans on Wednesday morning in a press conference hosted by the Schiller Institute,” author Morrigan Johnson wrote at the outset. “‘The danger is real,’ he said, ‘and Amercians should be scared.’”

“Ritter noted that, as the war in Ukraine escalates and the U.S. is providing weapons to directly attack Russia,” Johnson reported, quoting Ritter further. “‘Anatoly Antonov, the top Russian nuclear weapon expert and lead negotiator on past nuclear treaties with the U.S., is sitting in the Kremlin and his phone is not ringing. We are not even attempting at diplomacy.’”

[Ritter was misquoted, and what he said was: “Right down the road on Wisconsin Avenue, is an embassy—the Russian Embassy. Seated in that embassy is a diplomat named Anatoly Antonov, one of the most distinguished American experts in the Russian Foreign Service: The lead arms control negotiator for the last remaining arms control treaty between Russia and the United States! He’s been sitting there for several years, and his phone is not ringing! We are not calling him! We are not talking to him! There is no diplomacy today.…”]

“Ritter was joined by Helga Zepp-LaRouche and former intelligence professionals Lawrence Wilkerson and former Republican state senator and Vietnam veteran Richard Black,” Johnson noted. “They urged the people of the United States and the world to awaken to the danger of mutually assured destruction.”

The rest of the article covers other warnings about the dangers of U.S. strategic policy, including the development by the U.S. of miniaturized nuclear devices, and the widening by the U.S. and its NATO allies of the scope of the war in Ukraine.