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General Kujat Warns West's Escalation over Ukraine Threatens ‘Primal Catastrophe of the 21st Century’

Gen. (ret.) Harald Kujat. Credit: NATO

Yet another sharp warning was issued by Gen. Harald Kujat (ret.), former Chief of Staff of the German Bundeswehr (2000-2002) and Chairman of the NATO Military Committee (2002-2005). Today in Switzerland’s YouTube podcast “Weltwoche,” Kujat explained how the war in Ukraine now threatens to trigger the “Primal Catastrophe of the 21st Century.”

In the 39-minute interview, Kujat reviewed the continuous, step-by-step escalation around the proxy war in Ukraine. He cited comments by U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on the possibility of fighting Russian systems in the Russian airspace (e.g., hitting the planes that launch the glide drones), of the F16s carrying air-to-air rockets to do significant damage inside Russia, of French President Emmanuel Macron’s forward moves on Western military deployed to Ukraine to train troops, etc.

He stated bluntly: “I fear that the war in Ukraine will become the ultimate catastrophe of the 21st century.” And everyone is watching. And the media and politicians and the Swiss government are joining in the incitement and warmongering. And the people as well.

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