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Kurt Campbell Demands That Chinese Students in the U.S. Should Not Be Allowed To Study Science

According to Reuters, as reported in Global Times, “Kurt Campbell, the U.S. Deputy Secretary of State and the second-ranked U.S. diplomat, claimed on Monday [June 24] that the U.S. should welcome more students from China, but to study humanities rather than sciences. He said that international students studying sciences can be recruited from India, ‘an increasingly important U.S. security partner.’”

“This is a tactic akin to a color revolution or peaceful evolution,” Li Haidong, a professor at the China Foreign Affairs University, and Director of the Center for American Studies, told the Global Times. “The U.S. seeks to reshape the ideological concepts and knowledge systems of Chinese humanities students, attempting to align them more closely with Western values and potentially turn them into advocates and spokespersons for U.S. culture, institutions and strategic interests. This ulterior motive should raise concerns among all international students.”

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