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Mallouk: Reality Excluded From Presidential Debate—Is Dementia Contagious?

To the Editor:

While the world edges ever-closer to economic and military catastrophe, can anyone take seriously the spectacle of two grumpy old men exchanging insults and trading barbs on such world-historic matters as Stormy Daniels and Hunter Biden? By far the most important feature of the disgraceful debate was the moderators’ decision to exclude reality from the proceedings.

Did any of the questions reference the terrifying truth that we are closer than ever to a species-extinguishing thermonuclear exchange? Was anyone asked to perhaps reconsider the wisdom of launching ATACMS missiles—made in the U.S. and even guided by American technicians—at purely civilian targets in Russia? One such strike killed four and wounded over 140 on a Crimean beach last week. In response, a smirking State Department spokesman in effect blamed the victims, citing Russia’s incursion into Ukraine as the root problem. Is he implicitly condoning terrorist attacks on ordinary Americans by the various peoples whose nations we’ve invaded, or is this just the usual double standardizing? And why wasn’t any of this put before the candidates?!

But if any discussion of the dire danger was ruled off-limits, also ignored was the potential solution. Unbeknownst to most Americans, countries and governments representing over half the world’s population, primarily the Global East and South, are moving at accelerating rates to create a whole new set of financial-economic relations, including stable currencies, fixed exchange-rates, and a payment system based on some tangible commodity like gold. While certainly not a perfect finished product, this effort represents a return to the best features of the postwar Bretton Woods system that fostered a certain increment of real progress, before being scrapped beginning in 1971 and replaced with the current global casino economy. Far from attacking the U.S., these nations have repeatedly invited America to join their campaign, provided, of course, that we deal with the huge bubble of fictitious financial paper that is presently choking off any prospects of real economic progress.

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