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Mexican Schiller Institute Calls on the Nation To Back Putin’s Call for a New Eurasian Security Architecture

In a call issued on June 27, the LaRouche organization in Mexico stated that Mexico and Russia are celebrating 134 years of friendship between the two nations this month, and that “this is the appropriate time for the Mexican nation, people and institutions to support the efforts of President Putin to avoid a world war.” The statement added that “Putin issued his global proposal for a new Eurasian security architecture on June 14, including a negotiated solution to the war in Ukraine, and he once again underscored that his proposal is open to Europe and the NATO countries, `naturally, when they are ready for it'.”

The Mexican Schiller Institute document specified that “we call on President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum, as she defines the course of the next government, to coordinate with current President López Obrador to forge an alliance with President Lula of Brazil, who is playing a leading role in the BRICS and in the fight against genocide, to support the proposal for dialogue which Putin has presented.”

The statement concludes: “The Schiller Institute, initiator of the International Peace Coalition, will continue to work with associations, institutions, governments and peoples, to explain the necessary steps to organize a new international security and development architecture, as set out in the `Ten Principles’ that Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche has proposed for international consideration.”