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Sevastopol attack. Credit: Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

During his remarks on June 25 in Minsk, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov suggested that the June 23 attacks on Sevastopol and Dagestan were coordinated in some way. “We have little doubt that these acts were synchronized. Likewise, we have no doubt that the Americans were behind the attacks on Sevastopol,” the Belarus Telegraph Agency, BelTA, quotes Lavrov as saying, reported TASS. His complete opening statement to her, including that “We are grateful for the condolences we have received over the terrorist attacks in Sevastopol and Dagestan. There can be little question that they were synchronized or that the attack on Sevastopol was masterminded in the United States. President Putin said many times that from the military-technical viewpoints the Ukrainians cannot independently launch ATACMS. Launch missions are determined by American experts, and data from American satellites is used to target these missiles,” is posted to Moscow’s Foreign Ministry website.