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NATO Foreign Ministers Meet in Prague To Plan Forever War Against Russia

Keynote speech by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the NATO “informal” meeting. Credit: NATO

NATO’s 32 foreign ministers met in Prague over May 30-31 for an “informal” get-together in the run-up to the NATO summit in Washington on July 9-11. The main topic of the Prague meeting, which is also expected to dominate the summit, was NATO’s support to Ukraine. U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinken, in a press conference yesterday following the conclusion of the meeting, promised to keep the war in Ukraine going indefinitely. “We know that if Russia’s aggression is allowed to proceed in Ukraine with impunity, it will not stop with Ukraine,” he said. “And other would-be aggressors in other parts of the world will take note and consider pursuing their own aggressions.”

“At the summit, we’ll be taking concrete steps to bring Ukraine closer to NATO and ensure that there’s a bridge to membership, a bridge that’s strong and well-lit. NATO will help build Ukraine’s future force, one that can effectively deter aggression and defend against it if necessary. We’ll advance Ukraine’s integration with NATO. Thirty-two countries are also negotiating individual bilateral security agreements with Ukraine; 13 have already been concluded. I expect many more will be concluded by the time of the summit.”

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