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NATO Gears Up Its Ukrainian Hit Squads in Lead-Up to NATO Summit

The State Department-funded Ukrainian Molfar group, which has been tasked by Washington and London to develop hit lists of so-called pro-Russian “foreign propagandists,” whom they propose to silence, issued a public call June 3 for Ukrainians abroad to take physical action against those named on its “Foreign Propagandists” list. They did this in a Ukrainian-language thread posted to their X account. “We have a list of potential victims abroad,” Molfar wrote in posting the link to its “Foreign Propagandists” list on its “Enemies of Ukraine” page.

That particular threat was Molfar’s response to a Russian individual who had posted a warning to fellow Russians to be careful about Ukrainians living abroad, who “really feel a desire to beat and kill, unrestrained by anything other than the criminal code of their countries of residence.” Molfar countered by offering angry Ukrainians looking for non-Russian targets, their list of “Foreign Propagandists.”

Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche is among the more than prominent 150 international leaders on that Molfar list, as are Presidents Lula da Silva, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie and Senator Rand Paul, Scott Ritter, Ray McGovern, etc. Molfar works closely with Ukraine’s better-known Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD) and the notorious Myrotvorets hit squad. They, in fact, function as a single “slime mold,” all of it funded by Washington and London and run through the Ukrainian secret services. Their stated purpose is to silence what they define as purveyors of “disinformation”—i.e., any views contrary to those of the delusional Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Another group in the same slime mold is “Texty,” which on June 6 released its own hit list of 388 prominent Americans, whom they accused of spreading “Russian propaganda” against the NATO-Ukraine war on Russia. When a group of irate U.S. Congressmen took measures to force the State Department to stop funding Texty and other such Ukrainian targeting groups, Texty, feigning innocence, denied any connection to violent actions.

Texty issued its first hit list of Russian “supporters” in November 2022, that one focused on Europeans, titled “Bacteria of the Russian World, Who Support Russia in Europe.” Texty cites Molfar as one of the sources used to add targets to its “Bacteria” list. Bacteria 1.0 appears to have been published in November 2022, with 1,300 people and almost 900 organizations in 19 countries named. Texty updated its list with more names in 2023, calling it “Bacteria 2.0.” Included are both members of the Russian diaspora and people of other nationalities accused of being “Russian propagandists,” including the Schiller Institute’s Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Harley Schlanger.