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NATO is also targeting China for its alleged support of Russia’s war against Ukraine. The so-called West is unable to explain why Russia’s economy has not collapsed under the pressure of U.S./EU sanctions and therefore must blame China—which is already being targeted for destabilization using Taiwan as its proxy—for the failure of Western sanctions.

This was another theme of the NATO foreign ministers meeting in Prague on May 30-31. “And here, just as Allies today were seized with the hybrid threat that has grown from Russia, they’re also seized with China’s support for Russia’s defense industrial base,” said U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinken. “And as I’ve had occasion to discuss before, including in China, what we’ve seen from China is not the provision of weapons to Russia, but the provision of critical inputs that have allowed Russia to accelerate its own production of tanks, of missiles, of shells.”

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg echoed Blinken during his own press conference yesterday. “China is propping up Russia’s war economy,” he claimed. “Russia would not have been able to conduct the war of aggression against Ukraine without the support from China.” Without the high end products that China is providing to Russia, “Russia would not have been able to produce the missiles, the bombs, the planes they are producing to attack Ukraine,” he claimed further. “So, there is no doubt that China is playing a key role in enabling the Russians to produce the weapons they use to attack Ukraine. And in return, Moscow is mortgaging its future to Beijing.”

European High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, speaking at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, insisted that there’s no evidence that China is sending weapons to Russia. “China has committed not to supply arms [to Russia] and we don’t have evidence that this is happening,” he said. “But there is not a clear border between arms and non-arms because there are things which can be dual-use,” he added.

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