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New Maritime Trade Route Launched Between China's Tianjin Port and Nicaragua's Corinto

A June 13 ceremony at the Chinese port of Tianjin, including Chinese and Nicaraguan authorities, was a cause for great excitement as it inaugurated the launching of the first maritime trade route between Tianjin and the Nicaraguan port of Corinto on the country’s northwestern Pacific Coast. Corinto is Nicaragua’s main port on the Pacific Ocean and is the main port of entry for passengers and cargo bound for Nicaragua, also handling most of the country’s exports—coffee, cotton, sugar, timber, and hides, according to the website

El 19 digital reported June 15 that Wei Bo, president of Tianjin’s Chamber of Commerce for Multimodal Transport, announced at the ceremony that there will be a monthly trip between “our brother countries,” and on its June 13 maiden voyage, the Sunny Fortune would be carrying machinery and equipment for the construction of Nicaragua’s new Punta Huete international airport.

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